Project Timeline

We understand that, when starting a new project, the order and timescales of the various stages can be confusing and daunting.
Below is a timeline outlining the process a project will got through with 3HW working on it.
Please note that not every stage will be necessary for every project. We will explain and outline which stages are relevant to your project in our Fee Proposal.

Please read our disclaimer before reading this guide.

To download a PDF version of this timeline, click here.

Stage 1 - Initial Enquiry & Appointment

1. You contact us about your project.

2. We arrange a phone consultation or site meeting with you.

3. We write up and send you a Fee Proposal. This will include our fees, as well as any other fees we think you might have to pay throughout your project for planning, surveys etc.

This fee proposal will include our estimated lead in time.
For more information about fees,
click here.

4. You accept our Fee Proposal.

5. We send you a Fee Agreement to sign.

Our lead in period begins on the date you sign the Fee Agreement.

Stage 2 - Surveys & Sketch Scheme

1. At the start of your lead in period, we schedule your project into our workflow.

We work on projects in the order they appoint us. Please rest assured that whilst we may not be actively working on your project during the lead in time, we will not have forgotten it, and will begin working on it as soon as we are able.

2. During the lead in period, we gather any investigations or surveys on your site that we need - these will have been outlined in the Fee Proposal.

3. Before we start your project, we get in touch to discuss any changes or new ideas that have come up during the lead in period.

4. We draw and issue an initial sketch scheme, presenting our ideas for the project.

5. You comment on the initial sketch scheme and let us know any elements you would like to change.

6. We issue you with a revised sketch scheme, reflecting these changes.

7. You approve the sketch scheme.

Please note that the duration of Stage 2 will vary depending on the scale of your project, and our current workload.

There will likely be a short delay between the inital and revised sketch schemes, as we work on multiple projects at a time.

Stage 3 - Planning

1. We start putting together your planning application, including:

- Drawing presenting the eixisting site, and the proposed project;
- Various forms outlining the details of the project;
- A written statement describing the project and the reasoning behind it.

2. We send you the completed application to approve.

3. With your approval, we submit the application to Cornwall Council.

4. Your application is validated and a case officer is assigned to oversee it.

The period for validation changes frequently, click here to check what it is currently.

5. Your application is sent to any parties that may need to assess it.

On average, this process will take 8 weeks.

For more information on this stage for smaller projects, click here.
For more information on this stage for larger projects,
click here.

6. You recieve conditional approval for your planning application.

Stage 4 - Building Regulations & Construciton Package

Please note that there is likely to be a short delay between Stages 3 and 4, as we work on multiple projects at a time in the order they are approved by planning.
We also need to coordinate our workflow with the structural engineer’s.

1. We create up preliminary construction drawings, and send them to a structural engineer.

2. We work cooperatively with the structural engineer to compile a package of drawings to send to Building Control.

3. We send you the construction drawings to approve.

4. With your approval, we submit them to Building Control.

5. Building Control review them and work with us towards approval.

Once submitted, this process takes 8-10 weeks.
For more information on this stage for smaller projects,
click here.
For more information on this stage for larger projects,
click here.

We strongly reccommend that you wait until this point to appoint any builders, to prevent any dificulties that may arise due to delays and rising material costs.

6. You receive approval from Building Control.

7. We issue you with the approval and a construction package of the approved drawings. These can then be passed onto your builders.

8. Work begins on site! Building Control will want to visit the site during the works to ensure the work is up to their standards and regulations.

This is where our appointment officially ends. However, we are always available to contact if any issues or questions come up.